Auto Trash

Allows saving of different logistic request setups Enable autotrash only in certain logistic networks Load your spidertron with different setups with a single click Load one or more preset after respawning Trash unrequested items

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1
Logistic network

i Auto Trash light

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I'd like a light version. It would simply just

  • Trash everything that I have more of than requested amount (like the current option)
  • Move any item to temporary trash if you hold it in your cursor and press a hotkey.
  • Maybe pause when the hotkey is pressed with no item in cursor. Or maybe toggle autotrashing everything that isn't requested.
  • Toggling "Only in main network" can be a another hotkey. Sets main network when toggling on.

Everything else can be removed, imo. I don't use the gui buttons. And now that 0.13.x has autotrash slots in vanilla I need those even less.

A button in the GUI that removes the GUI permanently or as a separate mod, doesn't really matter to me.

Thanks for reading. I just dislike cluttering my screen with buttons I don't use q:

7 years ago

So the quickest way would be a command to show/hide the buttons and an additional hotkey for temp trashing the item on the cursor and toggling pause if the cursor is empty?

Not sure about the main network hotkey, that feature is still WIP and i'm not sure how often it is toggled in an actual playthrough. And also 4+ hotkeys seems a bit much i think?

7 years ago

4 hotkeys? Where did that number come from?

So the quickest way would be a command to show/hide the buttons and an additional hotkey for temp trashing the item on the cursor and toggling pause if the cursor is empty?

Yes, exactly. No other hotkeys needs to be added apart from that 1. More would just be in the way. Didn't think about remote calls, works for me. That would solve the problem of choosing main network or other settings which you only do once if ever.

I haven't needed to pause autotrashing yet. But I imagine that that is the most appropriate action when the cursor is empty. Maybe it could be configured in the GUI what the cursor does when empty if someone wants it to do something else. But that might be overkill. But I use temp trash and I think a hotkey would be even better than clicking the GUI button at the top so I know I want that at least q:

7 years ago

4 was a rough estimate, 2 for un/pausing AutoTrash + Requests, 1 to temp trash the item on the cursor + 1 for selecting the main network.

For now it's 3 and 2 console commands to show/hide the buttons. Configuring hotkey behaviour via GUI would be possible, but overkill i think.

7 years ago

Thanks for the update.

On the forums you wrote:

added hotkey to add the item on the cursor to temporary trash. Toggles pausing autotrash when the cursor is empty

And here your wrote:

For now it's 3 [hotkeys]

So is it 1 or 3? And what do those extra 2 do when 1 is enough? Reading the description again...


Shift + P: Pauses Autotrash
Shift + O: Pause logistic requests
*Shift + T: Add item on cursor to temporary trash. Pause/Unpause Autotrash if cursor is empty

Ok, it's a bit weird to have Shift+T and Shift+P do the same thing. Personally I would have just added the Shift+T behaviour to Shift+P instead to avoid adding another hotkey. But I guess it works and won't bother me to much if I just unbind Shift+P so whatever. :}

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