Combinator that outputs detailed information about the zone in which it is placed. Inspired by Baisius's discord suggestion.
- Introduces 4 new virtual signals: 'Day Length', 'Solar', 'Threat', and 'Robot Interference'.
- Introduces a special 'zone combinator' that's effectively a constant combinator that is automatically built with a number signals describing the zone.
- Zone id, set on a channel corresponding to the zone type.
- Radius, set on the 'Radius' signal.
- Day length, set on the 'Day Length' signal and measured in ticks.
- Solar, measures solar efficiency with
value 100 = 100%
. - Threat, as presented by the Universe Explorer,
value 100 = 100%
. - Water, if present a water signal of 1 is set (waterless is just the lack of water).
- Biter Meteors, if present a meteor signal of 1 is set.
- Plagued, if present a plague rocket signal of 1 is set.
- Life Support, if needed a life support canister signal of 1 is set.
- Core Fragment Type, if present a core fragment of the appropriate type will be used as a signal with value 1.
- Robot Interference, either wind or radiation is set on a new virtual signal and measured as presened by the Universe Explorer with a 100x scaling factor (1.00 = 100)
- Resources, frequency, size, and richness are multiplied together,
value 10,000 = 100%
- Many of the units the combinators put out are capricious. Day length is in ticks, threat and solar are in percent (100 = 100%), resources(ore/oil) are in
1/100 of a percent (10k = 100% on mapgen settings), radius are in game units, robot interference are in in game units x100, flags like water, life support,
plagued, and core type are flags with a value of 1 if present. - If a plague rocket converts the primary resource of a zone from vitamelange to coal, the zone combinator primary resource output will not update until it
is rebuilt.
Combinator Mask
- The source for this mod contains a mask for constant combinator tint for its entity and item - it should make adding different colored combinators easier in other mods.
- test447 - code, combinator mask
- berggen - code
- - virtual signal emoji