ZwerOxotnik's Modpack

Huge modpack, semi-vanilla, some parts of bob's mods + more enemies and weapons, smog, optimization, cosmetic mods, new features, new challenges (Currently, requires some manual tweaks. Difficulty: "losing is fun")

Mod packs
3 years ago
This mod 160 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 160 Required 159 Conflict 1 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 8.38M
accumulator-wagon 10.5K
AdditionalPasteSettings 21.3K
AreaPaste 2.04K
AutoDeconstruct 298K
Autofilter 1.43K
automatic-belt-direction 1.75K
automatic-logistic-chests 9.61K
Automatic_Coupling_System 4.99K
Automatic_Underground_Pipe_Connectors_Continued 783
AutoTrash 42.9K
barrel-breakdown 4.73K
BeastFinder 14.7K
belt-brush 3.09K
belt-reverserup 7.99K
BeltRouter 28.3K
Better-UPS-FPS 7.09K
billbo99_spawn_tweaks 715
biter_hunt_group 2.87K
bobinserters 352K
Bluegistics 774
bobenemies 249K
bobequipment 228K
boblibrary 398K
boblogistics 294K
bobmining 258K
bobmodules 236K
bobpower 267K
bobvehicleequipment 184K
bobwarfare 264K
circuit-checker 1.45K
CleanFloor 80.8K
Clockwork 31.3K
ColorCodedPlanners 4.67K
Color_Combinator_Lamp_Posts 1.14K
CompressedFluids 12.4K
ConnectionBox 1.12K
ConstructionTower1dot1 2.19K
CopyAssemblerPipeDirection 3.42K
CopyPasteModules 32.1K
CorpseFlare 1.55K
corruption 243
crafting-hotkeys 1.66K
CrushBrickToStone 1.11K
CursorEnhancements 44.4K
Cursor_Craft 1.00K
custom-map-colors 3.10K
dark-nights 8.84K
DeadlockLargerLamp 69.7K
Death_Counter 7.67K
Dectorio 76.7K
deep-storage-unit 38.4K
DoRobotsBuildAutomaticTrains 9.81K
EarlyTrainsUpdated 1.96K
Empty_Miner_Tool 1.48K
EpicArtillerySounds 73.2K
eradicators-belt-planner 536
eradicators-library 4.49K
even-distribution 426K
EvenMoreTextPlates 15.6K
extended-descriptions 78.1K
FastRemoveTiles 2.83K
flib 868K
FluidMustFlow 181K
Generic_Logistic_Chest 5.24K
GhostInHand 9.42K
GTTS 5.74K
hardened_pipes 3.11K
IndustrialDisplayPlates 15.6K
inventory-repair 84.5K
InvertedOilRefinery 2.07K
Kux-BlueprintEditor 224
Kux-CoreLib 77.4K
landmine-thrower 7.16K
LargeLamp 11.3K
LessUnplugged_bud 2.11K
liborio 55.6K
lightorio 34.4K
LJD_Vehicles_A16 4.56K
loaders-utils 3.08K
LSlib 61.1K
map-tag-generator 13.6K
MapView_NoBlackLines 3.38K
Mini-Radar 1.28K
miniloader 192K
MiscLib 34.3K
missing-circuit 968
modular-buildings-redux 724
module-requestor 1.96K
ModuleInserter 140K
more-minimap-autohide-017 21.9K
MouseOverConstruction 13.0K
move-with-mouse-updated 2.46K
nicefill 17.2K
NightvisionToggles 2.65K
nixie-tubes 74.7K
NoArtilleryMapReveal 4.18K
packing-tape 12.2K
PickerAtheneum 30.4K
PickerDollies 52.5K
PickerInventoryTools 9.71K
PickerPipeTools 6.77K
PickerVehicles 3.97K
Pitch_Black 507
portable_chests 366
power-grid-comb 66.5K
RateCalculator 288K
RealisticFlashlight 13.0K
Realistic_Heat_Glow 23.6K
RecipeBook 209K
Reinforced-Walls 13.8K
Remnants 1.60K
Renamer 7.82K
rewire-tool 4.44K
Robot256Lib 29.7K
rotate-vehicles 2.04K
rso-mod 146K
rz-water-placeable-lamps 9.05K
SchallArtillery 15.7K
SchallCircuitGroup 13.4K
SchallLandMine 7.65K
SchallOilFuel 5.83K
SchallRechargingWeapon 8.11K
Searchlight 47.4K
shifted-worlds 346
Shortcuts-ick 53.3K
show-max-underground-distance 92.8K
skip-hours 1.59K
smartchest 3.11K
SmogSolarPanels 2.50K
sonaxaton-minimal-crafting-menu 767
sonaxaton-research-queue 49.2K
speaker-signals-2 5.18K
SpidertronEnhancements 81.5K
Spider_Control 7.49K
SSP 12.1K
Switch_Button-1_0 8.90K
Switch_Button_Retexture 1.00K
tackleautorun 1.53K
Tapeline 42.5K
textplates 282K
time-bomb 1.10K
timesaver-for-crafting 2.10K
TjSignBoards 3.59K
trainConstructionSite 6.80K
tree_collision 97.6K
TurboBike 15.0K
Turbwhine 1.22K
UnPollock 2.06K
upgrade-planner-next 21.0K
ups-fps 12.9K
VehicleSnap 254K
VehicleWagon2 22.6K
VerticalAxisWindTurbines 1.90K
VisionRadar 7.50K
walkable-beacons 2.84K
WaterSafety 1.80K
WindSpeedChanging 7.82K
zk-lib 14.4K
GhostPlacerExpress 8.98K
SchallTransportGroup 26.5K
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v0.1.10)