Keniras Random Recipes

by Kenira

Randomizes recipes (amount of ingredients and products, crafting time) as well as many other things that can be toggled individually like belt speed, crafting speeds, energy consumption, weapon damage...

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0


Version: 2.0.3
Date: 2024-10-28
    - Added clarification to setting names to show which settings only apply if you use the "Custom" mode for randomizing properties
    - Fixed alphabetic sorting of properties in mod settings
    - Moved the automated logic to check if items have a stack size of 1 so those items can be excluded from stack size randomization from the data stage into the data-lua stage, which should help avoid issues with mods (including Space Age) adding prototypes before the config file is loaded
  Mod compatibility:
    - fixed conflict with Fluid Level Indicator mod
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 2024-10-24
    - Space Age DLC: Quality module effect now also gets randomized with the "Randomize Modules" setting enabled
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 2024-10-24
    - fixed module slots not getting randomized in factorio 2.0
  Mod compatibility:
    - fixed Vision Radar recipes are now blacklisted
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2024-10-23
    - Some of the changes and bugfixes affect existing games. Most should not have a big impact, the only major change is with armor resistances.
    - updated for factorio version 2.0. Due to the large number of changes to the game, it is possible that there will be more mod conflicts. Please report them if you experience it, and will try to deal with them as soon as possible.
    - rounding ingredient amounts now rounds to 2 digits instead of 3
    - added equipment grid size lower bounds
    - changed how armor resistances get randomized. they overall vary less now, and getting 100% resistances is no longer common.
    - reordered the ingame settings so that the property toggles are alphabetical
    - fixed: matching_blacklist and recipe_blacklist both did not work properly
    - fixed: the rounding to nearest prime setting now actually uses the nearest prime as intended
    - fixed: wrong formatting in blacklist entry "converter-other"
    - fixed: Heat exchangers now get randomized depending on the "Randomize power production" setting instead of energy usage setting
    - rearranged config.lua so relevant info like blacklists is at the top
    - removed personal notes from data-final-fixes and otherwise cleaned up comments a bit
Version: 1.9.4
    - fixed conflict with Factorissimo2 (no longer randomize factory-power-pole supply area)
Version: 1.9.3
    - fixed mod conflict with Renai Transportation
Version: 1.9.2
    - fixed changelog formatting
Version: 1.9.1
    - fixed randomization being broken
Version: 1.9.0
    - added new setting to disable randomizing hidden recipes / entities (should improve compatibility)
    - overhauled blacklist logic. most importantly, renamed recipe_blacklist_extra to blacklist_extra since it's not only for recipes, and made it more user friendly by removing the need to manually add "%" before "-" in item names.
    - config file now gets loaded in data stage, not data-final-fixes to allow other mods to add entries to the blacklists in data-updates
    - Space Exploration: Prevent Cargo Rocket Silo from being randomized
    - fixed crash with Angelbobs
Version: 1.8.4
    - fixed Krastorio2 loader syncing. again.
Version: 1.8.3
    - fixed Krastorio2 belt tiers and loaders syncing properly with certain mod configurations
    - fixed Krastorio2 gun turrets with increased range couldn't hit targets at that range with realistic weapon changes enabled
    - fixed conflict with Bigger Containers mod (cardboard boxes stack size could become > 1)
    - fixed beacon supply area could become larger than factorio allows
Version: 1.8.2
    - limiting maximum allowable underground pipe distance to 255 to avoid going out of bounds
    - Krastorio2 belt tiers and loaders will now all have the same speeds
Version: 1.8.1
    - attempt to fix incompatibility with Space Exploration and Rocket Silo Construction
Version: 1.8.0
    - Important: Changed name of randomization mode settings. Check your settings to make sure they are still correct.
    - added setting to disable randomization of recipes
Version: 1.7.2
    - fixed ammo setting was disabled, and added ammo settings locale
Version: 1.7.1
    - fix invalid mod setting
Version: 1.7.0
    - update for factorio 1.1
Version: 1.6.8
    - fixed powerpole coverage area could go out of bounds
Version: 1.6.7
    - fixed magazine size could be rounded down to 0
Version: 1.6.6
    - fixed deadlock beltbox speed
Version: 1.6.5
    - fixed deadlock loaders and added support for more modded belts
Version: 1.6.4
    - fixed another bug preventing Personal Laser Defense from shooting
    - fixed bots carrying full stacks of items because carry capacity got rounded down to 0
Version: 1.6.3
    - fixed wire distance could exceed valid values
Version: 1.6.2
    - fixed turrets unable to shoot
    - fixed Personal Laser Defense unable to shoot
Version: 1.6.1
    - fixed broken changelog
Version: 1.6.0
    - added options to randomize:
        - underground lengths (belts and pipes)
        - power pole coverage and wire reach
        - beacon efficiency and area
        - ammo damage and bullets per item
        - turret range, shooting speed, rotation speed and various other animation speeds
Version: 1.5.5
    - update for 0.18
Version: 1.5.4
    - fixed bug related to transfer_distance
    - updated changelog format to be compatible with ingame view
Version: 1.5.3
    - added thumbnail
Version: 1.5.2
    - minor locale changes
    - added check for logistics_connection_distance needing to be at least as big as logistics_radius for roboports
    - added randomizing the distance
    - added spaces in the name so it's easier to search for
Version: 1.5.1
    - fixed renaming of emission stat in 0.17.29 to emissions_per_minute
    - fixed ingredients with stack size of 1 could still be randomized to more than one which caused issues with certain mods
    - fixed conflict with crafting combinator mod
    - fixed issue when used with Closest First mod (now syncs the roboport stats accordingly)
Version: 1.5.0
    - cleaned up some code and fixed some issues, mostly under the hood but one effect is rounding being a bit less coarse grained now
    - the pollution fix from last versions was also hacky, the underlying issue will now be avoided much more generally
    - enabled rounding for module effects again
Version: 1.4.6
    - another pollution fix
    - temporarily removed rounding for module effects
Version: 1.4.5
    - fixed pollution being rounded to 0 everywhere
Version: 1.4.4
    - fixed that items could be produced in stacks despite being unstackable
    - fixed emissions being called emissions_per_second_per_watt starting in 0.17.13
    - added setting for rounding to get prettier numbers (default enabled)
    - improved the default rounding of belts (without the rounding setting). now rounds to whole items per second, instead of internal value of speed which is an awkward number.
    - cap armor resistances to 100%
    - exclude RITEG and air filter recycle recipes from being randomized
    - added factorio extended, xander and ultimate belts belt sync support
    - added loader sync (supports loaders redux, bob's logistics, miniloaders, deadlock loaders)
Version: 1.4.3
    - fix conflict with mod "Closest First"
    - added rounding for stack sizes, default enabled
Version: 1.4.2
    - limit max possible module slots to 65535 (i can't believe this was necessary)
Version: 1.4.1
    - add belt sync support for vacuum belts
    - fix deadlock crating and deadlock stacking recipes got randomized
Version: 1.4.0
    - CHECK YOUR SETTINGS WHEN UPDATING! Specifically, the "Randomization mode" setting. i overhauled the settings which will make it more clear the "Randomize Everything", "Randomize only recipes" etc settings are incompatible and you need to choose either one or none of them ("Custom" for individually ticking all the boxes)
    - mod compatibility with WhistleStop Factories: added option to sync the bulk recipes with the regular recipes
    - fixed that some properties got values for easier or harder difficulty than intended (energy consumption for efficiency modules (other modules are fine), roboport energy usage)
    - added personal equipment randomization option
    - added module slot randomization option
    - added option to randomize rocket parts needed for a rocket
Version: 1.3.0
    - updated for 0.17
    - "Randomizing everything" option will now respect the belt sync setting instead of overriding it to false
    - added options to randomize iron and copper plates, and kovarex enrichment process in the ingame options (used to all be in the blacklist, now you can toggle them individually)
    - fixed issue with angel's mods by adding void recipes to blacklist
Version: 1.2
    - this patch will rerandomize everything again so don't update during a game, sorry. probably / hopefully for the last time
    - finally properly fixed numbers changing when you add or remove mods. numbers should now properly be constant for a given seed, no matter what else you do.
    - switched away from lua's integrated random number generator in the process
    - added options to randomize roboports, construction and logistics robots
    - added belt speed sync support for bob's logistics
Version: 1.1.2
    - added option to randomize storage capacity (chests, train wagons, storage tanks)
    - added option to randomize water pump speed
Version: 1.1.1
    - fixed changing random seed not working which was broken for a while already (this will change all the numbers so don't update during a game!)
    - added option for randomizing stack sizes
    - added rounding for crafting times
Version: 1.1.0
    - added difficulty settings
    - added option to round to nearest prime number
    - added fuel performance randomization option
Version: 1.0.5
    - fix conflict with bio industries
Version: 1.0.4
    - fix issue with both Realistic Power and Creative Mode
Version: 1.0.3
    - updated for version 0.16
    - added conversion recipes from Angel's mods to blacklist
Version: 1.0.2
    - add randomization of splitter and underground belt speeds. also option to make tiers of belts / undergrounds / splitters have the same speed (for vanilla items for now)
Version: 1.0.1
    - several small changes regarding probabilities
    - fixes crash with bad recipe data (only "normal" recipe defined without "expensive")
Version: 1.0.0
    - supports randomizing probabilities for up to 2 ingredients (uranium processing in vanilla)
    - added another blacklist in config.lua for keywords: any recipe that includes this keyword in it's recipe name, an ingredient or a product will not be randomized (for example, "barrel" to leave barreling of any liquid out)
    - added many other properties to randomize, that can also be toggled on or off collectively: inserter speed, belt speed, turret and weapon damage, energy usage, pollution, energy produced, reactor power, item fuel value, mining speed, assembling machine speed, furnace speed, module stats. feel free to make more suggestions!
Version: 0.0.5
    - bugfix: issue with Yuoki / recipes with several tens of thousands ingredients that could hit a limit
Version: 0.0.4
    - bugfix: recipes won't change if you add or remove mods (recipes) any more
Version: 0.0.3
    - balancing: decreased probability of recipes getting more expensive
Version: 0.0.2
    - equal probability of decreasing and increasing cost, and higher probability for values near the default.
Version: 0.0.1
    - initial release. equal randomness.