All Resources Yield

by laftur

Enables yield (infinite) mode for all resources, with configurable minimum yield and optional maximum yield.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Environment Mining

g Question: How does this interact with drill speed?

3 years ago

Simple question here. What do Electric Drill speed bonuses from research do with your mod enabled? In Vanilla, drills have a fixed drill speed until they run out of ore. If your ores are infinite like Oil, then drill speed would be determined by Yield not the drill. How does that work?

Also, does placing a drill over more ore patches speed up drilling? Can drills "poach" from each other if their active fields overlap?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I think the drills do have a speed, affected most often by how much power is available. It's my understanding that the vanilla upgrades affect the yield, like production modules. That should stack with the yield of whatever resource is being drilled, because the module/upgrade yield is applied by creating a secondary production bar for the drill.

Also, does placing a drill over more ore patches speed up drilling?
No. The drills pick a random resource entity every mining cycle, and the amount of ore that comes out can be "fuzzy". Mining at 200% yield will always yield 2 pieces. At 250%, there is a 50% chance to yield 3 pieces.

Can drills "poach" from each other if their active fields overlap?

3 years ago

Roger that! Thank you for the prompt response and the information :)

New response