Wireless Power

by rainboy

Balanced UPS-friendly universal power transfer with Tesseracts.

1 year, 8 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Need help, Mod is not working

4 years ago


I installed the mod and wanted to use it,
i paced a uplink in my base, if i place a downlink anywere i get the "missing electric pole" icon.
So far so good, now i place a electric pole and i get the "missing electricity" icon.
the uplink has power but there is now power flowing to the downlink.
is the mod broken? did i anything wrong?
My factorio is on the latest version

Thanks for the help

4 years ago

Yes, there should be a 15 second delay between when the tesseract is placed and when power will flow. This is to prevent cheap tricks with setting up hoards of laser turrets attached to a tesseract just outside a biter base. The tactic is still useable (and powerful), but no more so than in vanilla since you will have to set up outside of biter range and then turret creep in.

4 years ago

i placed the uplink and downlink, waited for hours, nothing happend....


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