Wireless Power

by rainboy

Balanced UPS-friendly universal power transfer with Tesseracts.

1 year, 8 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Power generation.

5 years ago

Do these take vanilla (or modded) power generation?

And if so would it be possible to add a tesseract source that creates the power for the network as an end game power source above nuclear?

Just a large one that produces ridiculous power with extraordinary production cost in line with the power transfer items.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

This mod is designed to support vanilla, but is expanded to include a 4th tier if you have bobpower. It is intended to be a solution for power transfer to far off places (rail world mining outposts are the obvious use case), but doesn't do any power generation on its own.

At some point in the distant future, I may take a crack at some power generation related ideas, but for now I'm focused on testing existing functionality and adding Power Armor (and Vehicle, for bobvehicleequipment users) equipment which draws from the system.

5 years ago

4th dimensional power transfer demands 4th dimensional power to transfer.

But yeah just a suggestion lol

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

or could have the "lost energy" convert into heat at the tesseract as the saying goes you cannot create nor destroy energy only convert it

thus if you don't cool them they will blow up and the higher the tier the bigger the cost from one exploding and this can be a chain reaction if you cluster them together (higher tier = larger radius of explosion) and thus a balance to the lower tier cramming for throughput


P.S. I'll still download the mod anyway but this is what I thought for a balance and/or idea suggestion

5 years ago

That's a pretty cool idea. Currently, balance is only done via throughput limitations, crafting/technology costs, and flat/percentage costs for transfer. I'll keep that in the back of my mind as I continue to develop the mod. Thanks!

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