What is Missing

by zomis

Choose what you want to produce and this will tell you the main cause why you are not making more of it.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Please update for 2.0

4 months ago

Or does anyone know what in 2.0 vanilla (non-DLC) can/does replace it? I've seen mentions of this mod being made obsolete, but I don't see where in vanilla it shows the same info.

3 months ago

I would like to update it for 2.0 yes, I'm just wondering how to deal with the multiple surfaces of the DLC (I assume most people will be playing with the DLC) and the reverse-recipes that the DLC brings. So it feels like it might need a UI overhaul...

I have not seen anywhere that this mod has been made obsolete, where did you read that?

3 months ago

Hmm, there were a couple posts on Reddit claiming lists of obsolete mods, and I was pretty sure this was on one of those lists, but now I can't find it anymore, so I might have misread something.

3 months ago

Also do note that there's also another mod with a very similar name. I think it's called "What's missing" (this is called "What is Missing")

3 months ago

feel free to use my fork in the meantime

3 months ago

@kuxynator Feel free to make a pull request on my GitHub repository.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

@zomis git would be overwhelmed by this. i have made more than just quick and dirty changes for compatibility ;-)
I have restructures the files, refactored the code and added (most) complete EmmyLua documentation for more clarify.
But as soon I have a stable state, you are welcome to copy the complete code back, if you like it.
At present a make a rework of the async part to be save safe, because there are currently errors on save.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I miss this mod so much.
Game is unplayable for me with Py as too much to track unfulfilled requests manually.
I wondered if it's possible to do this with combinators.
To read inventories is easy, but to read requests is not so. I can use constant combinator and set value of request as soon as I placed request chest, but if I have tens of requesters this value should be summed up, and I don't know how to read summed request signal.
Arithmetic Combinator could calculate the difference between requested items and available stock.
Decider combinator could filter negative values.
And Combinator display could show shortages.

The problem is it's beyond my competence to set this up.

2 months ago

I just realised that roboports can send this signal of unfulfilled requests.
Just connect decider combinator with the wire to roboport, then open roboport and select "Read Logistic Network Requests".
Now if you select decider combinator, all the unfulfilled requests are shown there.

2 months ago

@Varijotas who are you talking to and what does this have to do with the update to 2.0?

2 months ago

I'm talking to you guys. @zomis said he is not sure yet how to make this mod compatible to 2.0
This functionality to show unfulfilled requests is already in the game, so mod author could just make a new gui for that.

2 months ago

Personally, that's enough for me as it is my fork

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