Weapon tweaks PvP (alpha, not working too well) deprecated

Tried to balance PvP so that you can leave your base on hostile world for long time (and go sleep perhaps).

3 years ago
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
3 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.1 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
12 users

Mod is kinda in alpha phase. For now - I believe base defences are way too OP, because of contruction robots + laser turrets are invincible. I also haven't touched on mines yet. Don't recommend downloading it.

Rocket launcher range 36->32,
Rocket launcher shooting speed=80%
Explosive rocket range modifier=80%, (to do, instead of "making range too short", turrets should be kinda less vulnerable to mass destruction from red rockets)
Atomic bomb - non existant,
Laser turret range uped to 30 (can be taken down via yellow rockets, but it requires dedication, as I increased their explosion resitance significantly).
Laser turret highly resitant to explosion damage.
Gun turret range 18->20 so that it can't be taken down safely by sub-gun. (it's silly in vanilla).
(to do : mines - do something about them. I will decrease their range, mines explode from way too far. Also mines *might* target EVERY player in future version of this mod. Mines don't have eyes)
Artillery stays untouched. Don't let your enemies get to artilery in first place. (todo : maybe artillery should have no manual range, so that defender can put artillery on periferies to fight with "attackers" artillery?)
I mean if someone plays long enough to get to artillery, it probably means you had time to befriend that player or destroy him - before that happened.

Mod is also altering vtk-cannon mod. It improves their resistances to laser/explosion, so that they don't die to turret creep. Also vtk-cannon s is recommended, it's pretty cool mod, good to suplement base defences.