

Build your base on a platform that follow you from planets to planets and escape biters before they overwhelm you.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.17.34

g Slowdowns

5 years ago

After a couple of warps my ups always goes down to around 30, so I though of a possible fix for it, though I don't know how viable it is or why you do the mod the way you do.
So anyway, is there any particular reason that you create a new surface for every warp instead of just deleting the chunks outside of the warp platform and generating the terrain anew?

5 years ago

Good idea, since after the warp the previous location continues to exist. All entities and buildings also continue to work. This creates a huge load even on powerful computers.

5 years ago

That would also fix that composite buildings like the Burner turbine generator of AAI Industry stop working after warp, having to remove and replace them to get them working again.

5 years ago

I think the terrain would be the same if I deleted it then regenerated it because the generator seed would stays the same. Anyway the mod should delete surfaces where no players are present normaly after a warp to save memory and performance but it's possible there are still bugs when it do so, I will try to look at it.

5 years ago

You can change the map seed with:

local surface = game.player.surface
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs

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