

Build your base on a platform that follow you from planets to planets and escape biters before they overwhelm you.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.17.34


- Fixed ground to underground belt logistic would not work after a warp.

- Fixed steam temperatures not transfering between the gates. 

- Fixed a bug with loaders having a wrong orientation.
- Made the warp beacon easier to get and more powerful.

- Fixed bugs related to the warp reactor stabiliser.
- Further reduced default biters attack strengthening.
- Changed the teleporter's logistic to transfert to the platform on both lanes.
- Balanced platform researchs to be easier on the tech tree.

- Fixed a bug that crashed the mod after the warping with the warp accelerator accumulator.
- Added back some warp charge time added based on number of previous warp.
- Added Warp energy upgrade.

- Fixed a bug that broke underground after warping.

- Fixed a bug from the last version crashing the mod after clicking the warp button.

- Changed warp charge time formula, now based on number of entities present on the platforms.
- Player should not be cloned anymore after warping if he is using characters mods.

- Added the warp beacon upgrade.
- Added the warp reactor accelerator accumulator upgrade.
- Added biters scatering when the warp stabilisator activate.
- Fixed that upgraded logistic pipes were not transmiting fluids.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the previous version that broke underground and teleporter after warping.
- Fixed a bug that crashed the mod after a warp if warp logistic was upgraded past 1.
- Fixed more bugs related to logistic upgrading.

- Cleaned the data file a bit.
- Added warp logistic 2 and 3 upgrade.
- Fixed a bug that could teleport the player out of the map in the underground platform.

- Changed warp reactor logistic research incorrectly requiring production science to logistic science, again..
- Reduced biters strengthening over time a bit.
- Added time spent on a planet on the gui.
- Researching warp reactor logistic before warp teleporter won't spawn the teleporter.

- Added electrical cost to moving items through the warp teleporter.
- Added warp reactor undergound platforms.
- Added new upgrade area researchs for underground platforms.
- Changed warp reactor logistic research incorrectly requiring production science to logistic science.

- Made the teleporter mobile gate rebuild itself after a warp if not placed somewhere already.
- Added the warp reactor logistic system.

- Made the mod compatible with Factorio version > 0.17.34, but imcompatible now with version < 0.17.35
- Fixed platform upgrades price.
- Fixed unused surfaces not deleted.

- Fixed custom sounds playing as ambient music.
- Fixed platform's borders incorrectly redrawn after a warp.
- Added teleporter upgrade.
- Changed warp reactor's health to 5000.

- Added that a player needs to be on the platform when warping or he will be left behind.
- Fixed additionnal players could not warp in multiplayer. (still untested)
- Fixed a bug where platforms upgrade would not be saved correctly.

- Fixed a bug pertaining to biters not attacking with the pollution cloud.

- Added more descriptions.
- Added platform area upgrades.
- Added warp stabiliser accumulator and it's upgrades.
- Made warp structures unminable.
- Minor balancing.

- Added change log.
- Changed version from 0.17.34 to 0.17 so the mod appears in the list.

- Added multiplayer support (untested, probably don't work).

- Initial release.