Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

5 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b FIXED Advanced Mining drill does nothing

4 years ago
Maybe I'm wrong, but where?. Thx for help.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It should work if you follow the instructions in the information tab, I'll paste it here. Let me know if it worked for you or not.

"Drills require sulfuric acid (for uranium and cracks) that must be injected directly with a pump (pipes will not be enough)."

I'm not sure what his reason for that was though, perhaps simply to add some logistical challenges to the mod or it might be for recipe reasons.

Edit: Checked your screenshot again and I see you have a pump, but it may be that the pump has to be directly attached to the drill; so no pipes between the pump and the drill.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


4 years ago


I've removed the feature requiring pumps to directly inject fluid in drill as it was more confusing that anything as you experienced.

Hope this fixe your issue !

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

better late than never: Thanks a lot :-)

New response