Deep core mining

by VortiK

A not cheaty infinite ore mod. Adds ore patches that appear when ore fields are depleted that can be mined with a pair of advanced mining drill to upgrade mining outposts and provide source of expensive but steady infinite ore. Adds an high tech infinite ore mining from rare deep core cracks spawned in the world that require heavy refining. Now with automatic mod support !

7 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g For Factorio 17.25, mod is failing to load correctly (see below)

5 years ago

For Factorio 17.25, This mod is crashing on game load. "Duplicate products are not allowed. (Iron Ore exists 2 or more times).

5 years ago

I am getting the same error, probably have something to do with this line in the patch notes for 0.17.25: "Recipes with duplicate ingredients or products will now error at startup instead breaking crafting runtime."

5 years ago

To resolve this, go to line 251 in "prototypes/deepcore-mining-items.lua". Delete the three identical lines under it ({type="item", name=refining_result, amount=result_amount / 4},, and then remove the / 4 to have the same amount of product. It should look like (with some lines added for context):

        icon_size = 32,
        results = 
            {type="item", name=refining_result, amount=result_amount}, 
        crafting_machine_tint =
5 years ago

I am not convinced this is a good fix. This was originally introduced to work around stack size limitations.
Does anyone know if this is still relevant?

5 years ago

Hello, thanks for the report, I saw the change in factorio last patch and anticipated it would break this specific "feature" quirck I'm using for deep core refining.

I'll have to flag the mod as incompatible with this version until I can make a workaround and fix to this change.

5 years ago

Whats the problem? Just use one single output stack instead of 4 and decrease the processing time to 1/4 and you are done?

5 years ago


I've pushed a fix in a new version, the stacksize is indeed not limiting anymore in machines output, so no need for the workaround I used and recipe don't change.

Let me know if it's all good now !

5 years ago

Thanks for the update. I've been using this mod for quite some time. I do enjoy the extra logistical challenge it provides over setting up boring ol normal mining outposts and I can confirm it's working properly now.

New response