Cannon Turret

by VortiK

Adds a cannon mounted turret and specific cannon shell magazine ammunition that behave like the tank shells without friendly fire colliding. Bonus setting use vanilla cannon shells and to make custom ammo explosions not do friendly damage.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Compatibility with mods adding walls

5 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if you could add compatibility for your explosion proofing tech for walls that are added by other mods? Specifically, I'm using Dectorio that adds several different wall types, but the upgrade from the base stone walls is the concrete wall. Currently they take a lot of damage from the cannons compared to the stone walls.

Also, as mentioned in another thread, you should probably update the description of wall proofing to indicate it doesn't make the walls completely immune (and 90% vs 95% would probably be better).

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


Yeah I found this out using mods that add custom walls myself. After some study of different mods, there are many (many) different walls added by mods so I've made the explosion resistance mechanic based on the entity type equal wall or gate instead of the entity name.

This will support all modded walls and gate which is nice but also Dectorio wood walls which can be weird but I think that's a minor issue worth the generic code.

Might add some exceptions for thoses woods ones we'll see :)

Let me know how it goes !

New response