Armor Plating

by VortiK

Adds armor plating equipment to increase vehicles hitpoints and improve their survivability. - Supports AAI Vehicles. - Supports Angel's Heavy Tank. - Has built in mod support.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Overpowered?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi! I've just been fiddling with teleporting and cloning vehicles (including inventories, grids, passenger/driver). During my experiments, I've put just one default Armor plating equipment into the grid of an otherwise unmodded car. It took me 3 or 4 nukes (!) to destroy it. Don't you think that the armor plating may be just a little bit too strong? :-)

4 years ago

Ooops, never mind! I just noticed that Vehicle turrets was active. After removing it, a single normal rocket was enough to destroy a car with two pieces of Armor plating equipment installed, so the armor plating is definitely not overpowered!

4 years ago


Ah good to know, that was quite surprising that plates would be enough to survive a Nuke :D

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