Visible Planets in Space

by Nauviax

Render the local planet behind platforms when in orbit. Now with parallax, rotation, and mod support!

2 days ago

b some bug

2 months ago

您好, 我在使用“太空中的可见行星”模组时遇到了一个问题。当我尝试使用该模组以及简介中提到的几种高清模组时,出现了“No pictures to put in atlas.”的错误提示。我使用的是官网提供的zip版本,在图形化界面更新mod时产生了这个错误。 希望您能帮助解决这个问题。

ai translation:


I encountered an issue while using the "Visible Planets in Space" mod. When I tried to use this mod along with several high-definition mods mentioned in the description, I received an error message saying "No pictures to put in atlas." I used the zip version provided on the official website, and this error occurred while updating the mod in the graphical interface.

I hope you can help resolve this issue. Thank you for your hard work and support!

2 months ago

Can you provide a full mod list?

2 months ago

sure sir:

2 months ago

None of those mods are HD texture mods, are they? I also don't recognize "aotixhczn".
Could you provide the full error log when it crashes, and also make sure to point out the HD texture mod you were using?

(Or is this possibly caused by removing an HD texture mod somehow?)

2 months ago

我的意思是 一旦我添加了您介绍中的任意一个hd模组 启动的时候就会报错:No pictures to put in atlas

ai translation:
What I mean is that once I add any of the HD mods mentioned in your introduction, I get an error when starting: 'No pictures to put in atlas.

2 months ago


ai translation:
According to my speculation, it might be related to the zip version downloaded from the official website. Could you please confirm if your mod has only been tested with the Steam installation version? It is possible that the file locations for the zip version from the official website differ from those of the Steam version

2 months ago

How should I provide you with the log file?

2 months ago

3.092 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x1616) [mipmap]
3.092 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x1616) [mipmap]
3.092 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x1712) [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
3.092 Error AtlasBuilder.cpp:157: Prepared sprite registrations are empty: start = 123988, to try = 0, max size = 2048, registered sprites count = 189655
3.092 Atlas: virtual = 0, flags = icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level,
3.092 registration[123988]: padding = 8, dest_width = 2048, dest_height = 2048, filename = hd_planets_renders/graphics/nauvis.png
3.092 registration[123989]: padding = 8, dest_width = 2048, dest_height = 2048, filename = hd_planets_renders/graphics/vulcanus.png
3.092 registration[123990]: padding = 8, dest_width = 2048, dest_height = 2048, filename = hd_planets_renders/graphics/gleba.png
3.092 registration[123991]: padding = 8, dest_width = 2048, dest_height = 2048, filename = hd_planets_renders/graphics/fulgora.png
3.092 registration[123992]: padding = 8, dest_width = 2048, dest_height = 2048, filename = hd_planets_renders/graphics/aquilo.png
3.092 Error Util.cpp:81: No pictures to put in atlas.
7.519 Goodbye

2 months ago

How should I provide you with the log file?

I need the text that displays on screen in game, when the crash occurs. Ideally it should give an idea of where I can look in the code to look for issues.

According to my speculation, it might be related to the zip version downloaded from the official website. Could you please confirm if your mod has only been tested with the Steam installation version? It is possible that the file locations for the zip version from the official website differ from those of the Steam version

While it has only been tested with the Steam version, I don't believe a zip version will behave differently. That would cause all sorts of other problems if it were the case.

Could you try launching the game with only visible_planets and hd_planets_renders, and see if you still get a crash?

2 months ago

Do you have other social media platforms? The Factorio forum doesn't seem to allow sending pictures or files. I can't show you videos, log files, or screenshots.I am trying to enable your mod and the HD texture mod separately. Please wait a moment.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

I'm doing a bit of googling now, what is your texture atlas size set to in graphics settings? Perhaps try setting that to "Largest possible"?
It seems people who have gotten this error in the past with mods also tend to have low-end computers. Would you say that your computer is a fast one?

And possibly even, as it seems this sort of error was reported and fixed by Wube devs. It might not be an issue I can fix on my side.

2 months ago

Do you have other social media platforms? The Factorio forum doesn't seem to allow sending pictures or files. I can't show you videos, log files, or screenshots.I am trying to enable your mod and the HD texture mod separately. Please wait a moment.

You can find me on Discord as Nauviax, if that helps

2 months ago

"The results are in. When only the official DLC mod, your mod, and hd_planets_2.0.6 are enabled, the error still occurs.

2 months ago

For others looking at this discussion thread, it seems the problem is caused when using HD sprites and low graphics settings.
Setting your texture atlas size to "Largest Possible", or at least 4096, should solve the issue.

This thread has been locked.