Visible Planets in Space

by Nauviax

Render the local planet behind platforms when in orbit. Now with parallax, rotation, and mod support!

2 days ago

b Error with version 1.2.1

3 months ago

Error while running event visible-planets::on_tick(ID 0)
LuaRenderObject API call when LuaRenderObject was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control_stuff/render_planets.lua:136 in function 'fancy animations'
visible-planets/control_stuff/render_planets.lua:187: in function <visible-planets/control_stuff/render_planets.lua:148>

3 months ago

I thought I fixed all the invalid render issues :/

Was this crash from updating, or did it happen randomly during a game? Were you doing anything in particular when it happened?

3 months ago

I also had this crash when I booted up a save after updating.

3 months ago

Well I still don't know why a planet became invalid without being removed from my internal lists, but latest version should prevent any crashes when it happens. Let me know if you have a planet randomly disappear or stop animating, as that could be what happens instead of crashing now. (Or it's fixed perfectly, /shrug)

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