Visible Planets in Space

by Nauviax

Render the local planet behind platforms when in orbit. Now with parallax, rotation, and mod support!

5 days ago

i Request: Limit to sub-region of screen

a month ago

Howdy! I love the premise of this mod, and how much more at-a-glance figuring out which planet I'm parked at is than finding my ship in the sidebar. However, I find that when the planet is directly behind the ship, contrast of the ship is significantly reduced and it's harder to discern what's going on at the edges of the space platforms. Disabling parallax helped turn that dynamic problem into a static one (the contrast just always is whatever it is for a given area of the ship, rather than constantly changing, that's good), but I'd love some sort of setting which pins the planet to the left 25-33% of the screen, so that it's far less likely to ever actually be behind the ship.

Cheers, thanks for making this mod!

a month ago

Have you tried setting the X position of the planet to be more to the left in the config? That sounds like what you're asking for.

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