Visible Planets in Space

by Nauviax

Render the local planet behind platforms when in orbit. Now with parallax, rotation, and mod support!

5 days ago

b [Bug]

a month ago

The mod Visible Planets in Space (1.0.9) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event visible-planets::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaRenderObject API call when LuaRenderObject was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control_stuff/render_planets.lua:82: in function <visible-planets/control_stuff/render_planets.lua:68>

Can really say whats going on. Im just install it then just go from ship to ship and this happen.

a month ago

Is this happening after you’ve updated, or just installed now? Also is it on a new save or existing save?

(I thought I fixed the invalid renders problem, I think I have an idea what the problem might be.)

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I'm having trouble trying to reproduce this, could you explain exactly what you were doing when it crashed? Had you recently deleted a platform maybe?

Also any mods you have, if any.

a month ago

The crash should be prevented in the next version (1.0.10), but I'd still like to know what might have caused the crash in case it just causes a second crash some other way.

a month ago

Sorry for late reply. Its existing saves. Back before you update this, (before 1.0.10) . Now I'm updating. Will get back to you if there is bug. Thanks for update.

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