Vehicle Physics

by OwnlyMe

Realistic driving physics.. (drifting, effects, etc)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g How about a description?

4 years ago

"Realistic driving physics" what do you mean by that? forgive me if I don't suposse you and I have the same undertanding and knowledge of physics and how it should apply in this game

4 years ago

drifting and visual effects

4 years ago

oh and a sound effect

4 years ago

I think a few extra details like you mentioned above OnlyMe, actually included in the mod description would make a big difference in attracting more interest. I initially never realised how great addition this mod is was and what it offered but thought I'd give it a try. Now I am familiar with it, its one of my favorite mods and the main reason I still use cars (even if I can run faster in my suit) because it feels so much more realistic than the alternative vanilla driving and its fun. Anyway, regardless Thanks!! and please consider ^

4 years ago

you can put exoskeletons into your car if you have a vehicle equipment mod, this mod also fixes the too fast turning speed at high velocities

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