Vanilla Loaders

by Kirazy

Adds the vanilla loaders to the game with customizable recipe difficulty. Supports belts added by Bob's Logistics and Ultimate Belts.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Loaders not loading chests

2 years ago

I was playing on a modded AngelBob's world, and I downloaded this mod so I could use the loaders to load into chests. However, the loaders would not load into any type of chest - normal or modded. I deactivated all mods except for Vanilla Loaders to check this wasn't the result of a hidden conflict, but they still didn't work then. I've tried fiddling with the filter slots as well as checking mod settings, but those didn't help either. Am I misunderstanding how this mod works or is this the result of a bug? Note that the game itself boots and runs perfectly when my mods are installed, so if there is a conflict, I don't know about it. I can provide a save file and mod list on request.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

2 years ago

That's bizarre. Would you be able to provide a save?

2 years ago

I have the same issue.

New game, belt > loader > chest, the chest is not loaded.

I'm running the following mods:

Even distribution
Factorio library
Inserter configuration
Squeak though
Vanilla Loaders

2 years ago

With the mod set indicated, new scenario, it works fine. Would you show me a picture of what you're using? Are the arrows facing the correct direction? (Press R)

2 years ago

Vanilla Loaders does not include automatic snapping logic, so if you're used to that, it may explain why it's not behaving as expected. If you install Loader Redux alongside it, however, it will use the snapping logic from that mod.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thanks! That screenshot sheds some light on things, I can see that there is a "load" and "unload" variant of the graphic for each direction.

What I'm seeing at the moment is the "unload" graphic

Hitting R changes the direction of the arrows, but not the "load/unload" variation of the item. Is there some other way to make the change I need?

I'd rather not install another mod, I'm happy for less convivence if there is a way to make this work.

2 years ago

You need to rotate it using R before you place it.

Or install this:

2 years ago

Thanks! That worked perfectly. It seems obvious now!

New response