Vanilla Loaders

by Kirazy

Adds the vanilla loaders to the game with customizable recipe difficulty. Supports belts added by Bob's Logistics and Ultimate Belts.

4 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Furnace Compatibility

6 years ago

Could you add compatibility between this mod, and Loader Furnaces Redux please?

6 years ago

I am giggling hysterically. Myself and the creator of Loader Redux had discussed the possibility of my removing Loader Redux tech as creating problems for any mod that depended on those technologies. Also that the odds of there being such a mod as being nearly zero.

I am astounded by how quickly that was proved false.

I can fix the issue relating to research easily enough. What in particular were you interested in for compatibility, other than that?

6 years ago

There is an issue with the furnace mod itself, it's looking for green/purple transport belts and those no longer exist as Bob renamed them to ultimate/turbo respectively, so that's why the tier 4/5 furnaces don't show up.

6 years ago

As an aside, if the issue is that the game doesn't work for you while you have this and Loader Furnaces Redux installed, you just need to disable Loader Furnaces Redux, and make sure that the mod setting "Loader Redux research" is enabled under Vanilla Loaders HD. Then everything works as intended. I'll release a fix soonTM to make that default-enabled and attach a warning that disabling it may cause compatibility problems with other mods.

6 years ago

I have pushed a fix such that the setting is default on, so in the default configuration everything works fine. People may still choose to use Vanilla Loader HD research if they desire and don't care about breaking compatibility.

6 years ago

hello is it possible to create railway tunnels

6 years ago

The general consensus is no, I'm given to understand.

New response