Other Utility Combinators

by ichvii

A set of general utility combinators. Large Combinator, Alphabet Combinator, Direct and Inverse Stacksize Combinator by ichvii

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
Circuit network

i I would like "and gates" and stuff

4 years ago

Can you be more specific? I am not aware, what that mod does and dont want to switch my factorio version to 0.16

4 years ago

latched and unlatched RS latch gate..... AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NOR, NAND, and others

4 years ago

jk latch.... is another

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I know how an AND gate works on two bolean inputs. I do not know, how you want it to work on a pair of signal sets, each containing a whole bunch of 32bit integers.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

And eg an rs latch is really easy to build in factorio. As long as you allow for eg signal-0 to be used as a control signal. Just place a self-wired decider combinator with the condition signal-0=0, everything input count. It will save every number until a reset order, signal-0=1 shows up. you could create the signal-0 in a "anything not equal 0, signal-0=1" decider combinator. I have no intention of adding stuff, which can easily be automated using a small number of combinators. The only thing i might add is, if the result can only be achieved by a number of combinators growing in the amount of items+virtual signal names+fluids.

That is exactly what the other combinators do. Alphabet combinator can be used to isolate one signal, the stack size combinators allow you to calculate how many stacks a certain amount of items is and the large combinator can be used to place many signals in aconstant combinator to avoid the linear scaling in the number of different signals.

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