Universal Quickstart Belts and Machines deprecated

by Caxx

This mod is intended to be a universal quickstart mod, since I find it annoying to have to switch between the different quickstart mods whenever I want to start a new game with different mod combinations. My plan for this mod is to include many of the major mods out there, and make it as adaptable as possible.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Error in new 0.18 game

5 years ago

Got the following message when i started a new game in 0.18. Not sure if it's something I did wrong when I set the perimeters of the mod?

The mod Universal Quickstart Bots and Equipment caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event universal_quickstart_bne::on_player_created (ID 24)
Equipment name not specified
stack traceback:
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:551: in function 'gridput'
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:469: in function 'getarmor'
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:149: in function <universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:1>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'put'
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:551: in function 'gridput'
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:469: in function 'getarmor'
universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:149: in function <universal_quickstart_bne/control.lua:1>

5 years ago

Please disregard, it was my error. It was reacting badly to another quickstart mod I had forgotten I had installed. Once the old mod was removed, this mod worked perfectly.

5 years ago

I'm on it.
It seems to be something with the exoskeletons, which formerly only had a box for the number of exoskeletons. It seems that I didn't add an extra check for when the setting "None" was selected and there still was a number > 0 in the box. I'll try to recreate that circumstance, and if that is the problem I'll have to check all the other new settings before releasing a fix.

If you tried to start the game without any exoskeletons try changing the number to 0, it should work until I release a fix.

5 years ago

Oh, good.
But since I've noticed a potential error anyway, thanks to this post, I'll keep on working on that fix.

New response