A UPS grade Universal Machine. Can be used for all recipes. 我身雕刻刀,细微达分毫。 举世竟谁比,鲁班窃皮毛。 若幸逢仙子,亦可试低高! 天地无穷寂,挥手雕众神。 喧呼连日宴,盛况耀乾坤。 忽觉人世假,众像我雕真。 遂与同归去,永世别人尘!
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Counted when a user downloads a mod release for the first time. Before Nov 2021 it counted everytime a user clicked the mods download button.
Counted when a user downloads a mod for the first time. Has no data before Dec 2022