Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Version: 0.9.0 Date: 2023-05-24 Changes: - exotic insustries
Version: 0.8.3 Date: 2022-08-05 Changes: - Electric Transformators settings now works=)
Version: 0.8.2 Date: 2022-08-04 Changes: - Bob's warfare cordite alternative recipe from coal cost change
Version: 0.8.1 Date: 2022-08-04 Changes: - Bob's warfare cordite alternative recipe from coal added
Version: 0.8.0 Date: 2022-08-04 Changes: - Bob's warfare cordite alternative recipe from solid fuel added
Version: 0.7.0 Date: 2022-08-02 Changes: - Annonce in chat on research finished setting added.
Version: 0.6.1 Date: 2022-08-02 Fixes: - Electric Transformators integration fixed - hl-Cannon-turret minimal range setting added - Settings mod name added
Version: 0.6 Date: 2022-08-01 Changes: - Electric Transformators settings added - hl-Cannon-turret range setting added
Version: 0.5 Date: 2022-07-23 Changes: - Added realictic reactors fix: replace all nuclear-reactor' to 'realistic-reactor' in all recipes
Version: 0.4.1 Date: 2022-07-20 Fixes: - Bob's Vehicle plasma cannon has 6 levels.
Version: 0.4.0 Date: 2022-07-20 Changes: - Added ability change supply distance for Huge electric pole for mod PowerOverload.
Version: 0.3.2 Date: 2022-07-20 Changes: - Bob's mod (bobequipment, bobvehicleequipment, bobwarfare) disable support for some recipes. - AAI industry depend removed. Seems to be works=)
Version: 0.3.1 Date: 2022-07-19 Changes: - Beta build: Rework Bob's mod support. Now you can really disable recipes. This should work. Still testing.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2022-07-18 Changes: - Alpha build: testing Bob's mod support.
Version: 0.2 Date: 2022-07-14 Changes: - Settings added, TSU class added. Now mod actually does not depend on AAI industry. But designed to be used with em.
Version: 0.1.2 Date: 2022-07-13 Changes: - Licence fix, changelog added)