This mod had several option and some new gameplay to the transplutonic mod.
With this mode you can change the weight and power of each full cell.
You can change the nuclear reactor neighbours bonus and power output.
You can make the reactor automatically stop when heat reaches maximum.
Recipe tweak
Change some recipe output espacialy used fuel recycle
The weight of uranium is also tweaked
1 U235/U238 weight 5Kg
And 1 uranium hexafluoride = 1Kg.
Uresidu option
To not make it to complex the centrifuge only output one fluid the lower concentrate is output as solid.
1 Uresidu= 50 hexafluoride at 1%.
You can add thorium fuel as a late nuclear fuel.
It differ from the other fuel as it doesn't come from recycling or from uranium ore.
You need to extract it from stone then purifier it and liquifie it.
You can put it in a inactive full cell. To activate the thorium it need to be irradiated in a breeder reactor.
At the end you can recycle it to ge some uranium and plutonium.
It add a late game tritium recipe to make tritium for fusion without need to expand fuel cell.
You still need fission fuel to transform hydrogen into tritium.
The cycle go as this
Put the tritium breeding cell in the breeder to transform it in tritium gas.
if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to post them in discution