
trainsaver is a dynamic screensaver that follows trains as they drive around

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i ❎ Disable GUI during trainsaver

1 year, 6 months ago

Please add the ability to disable user interface dialogs/elements while train saver is running to help prevent screenburn so that trainsaver makes monitor change pixels everywhere.

1 year, 6 months ago

I totally agree that all the interface elements should be hidden while trainsaver is active. By default trainsaver should already hide all the base game GUI like inventory, hotbar, minimap, etc. Could you post a screenshot and/or modlist so I can see which GUIs are still showing up?

1 year, 6 months ago

Top left, seems like just some mods grouped up in a hotbar, then there is the unit location shortcut mod, bottom is space exploration, and bottom right is circuit hud mod.

1 year, 6 months ago

Thank you. I will look into getting those hidden when trainsaver is active. If you find or think of any other mod GUIs please let me know and I will work on hiding them as well.

1 year, 6 months ago

You're welcome. Sounds like you are adding to a list of things that your mod should disable. Is there no function to call the 'hide-mod-guis' feature thats available in the debug settings (F4)?

1 year, 5 months ago

To add a bit of context, trainsaver actually does not directly touch any GUI at all. The mod works by putting the character in the cutscene controller and dynamically updating the cutscene target with trains as they become active. The base game automatically hides all the player GUI when they're in a cutscene.
To make mod GUIs hidden, I go to the mod portal page and open a bug report for the mod saying that its GUI should be hidden while the player is in a cutscene :) Usually the author agrees, as this is the expected behavior that the base game uses.

1 year, 4 months ago


I figured out a better method! With update 0.0.27 released today, all mod guis should be correctly hidden while trainsaver is active. This means that trainsaver is now modifying the visibility of other mod gui elements, but I implemented it very carefully so there should be no issues. If you run into anything or have other suggestions please let me know!

1 year, 4 months ago

It certainly removed the other GUI elements. The only thing that remained on screen was the mod text from StatsGui,

1 year, 4 months ago

Interesting... I'll need to look into how that mod works. Thank you! Let me know if you find any others, it's possible there are some other gui types that I missed with this update as well, but hopefully I can get them all resolved for the next update :D

1 year, 2 months ago

Just wanted to update that along with the StatsGUI text, Game Speed Controls also keeps a GUI up during train saver

6 months ago

I'm sorry, I had to remove the feature. Too many other mods were crashing because they assume their guis are always visible.

New response