
trainsaver is a dynamic screensaver that follows trains as they drive around

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i ✅ setting to limit how long transaver follows a train

2 years ago

I'd like to be able to limit how long trainsaver follows a train. Once it's been on one train for a set amount of time it could switch to another train with the current behavior for switching.

For me, I've got some trains that go on a really long boring straight path to the east for about 15 minutes. After about 2-3mins watching one of those I'd like it to switch to another. There is nearly always a train departing somewhere.

2 years ago

Thank you, that is a great idea. I will work on adding that for the next release.

2 years ago

Thanks, I look forward to the update.

2 years ago

Hi sykl0ps, I have added the requested feature in version 0.0.19. There is now a setting called "Driving minimum" set by default to 10 minutes. If any new train becomes active once the camera has been following a train for longer than the time set by that setting, the camera will go follow the new train.
I have also added a similar setting for trains waiting at stations as well :)

Let me know if you have any issues or ideas!

2 years ago

Hello! Thanks for the update. An issue I'm hitting now is that trainsaver is sticking with trains stopped at signals much longer than the seconds set for signals in the settings. I tried to figure out how long but seems inconsistent but always longer than it should be.

I do like the setting for waiting time at stations, nice to see where the train has arrived for a bit before jumping to the next one.

2 years ago

Thanks, I'll take a look at the signals issue. It's possible I accidentally broke pat of that logic when adding the new stuff, but it's also possible that it seems too long because there aren't many active trains. I'll look into it and make sure it's behaving correctly :)

If you're interested in some under-the-hood context; the reason it's inconsistent is because trainsaver only goes to a new train when a new train leaves a station, so if your current train is stopped at a signal but no trains are leaving stations, the camera will stay with the stopped train until it starts moving again or a train leaves a station.
It's actually the same logic for all the "waiting" conditions. trainsaver doesn't actively go find a new train to follow, it just waits for new train activity (trains leaving stations) and then if all the conditions of the currently followed train are right (it's been waiting at a signal for the minimum time, it's been driving for the minimum time, it's been stopped at a station for the minimum time, etc.) the camera goes over to the new train, otherwise it stays with the current one.

2 years ago

I only mention it because it feels like a change from the previous version.

My factory has 400+ trains with enough departures that usually as soon as the train being followed arrives at a station it would switch within a second or two. I had the signal timeout set for for 8 seconds and I could see other trains departing other stations and it would not transition like it used to.

2 years ago

Hi sykl0ps, you were totally right. Version 0.0.20 should fix that issue as now the signal, station, and driving minimums are all handled the same way :)

2 years ago

Awesome! Update is great. Also the added station minimum is a nice new addition.

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