
trainsaver is a dynamic screensaver that follows trains as they drive around

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b ✅ Mod crash with Space Exploration enabled

3 years ago

Hi! Thanks for great mod. Got this error while plaing with Space Exploration mod. In this mod trains can change their surfaces time to time.

Error while running event trainsaver::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaTrain API call when LuaTrain was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:707: in function 'cutscene_next_tick_function'
trainsaver/control.lua:685: in function <trainsaver/control.lua:684>

3 years ago

Thanks for the report, I’m glad you like the mod :)
I thought I had handled most of the weird stuff space exploration does, but this one managed to sneak through!
At least it should be fairly easy to fix, I’ll work on getting an update released soon.

3 years ago

This should now be fixed for version 0.0.13

3 years ago

Thanks for your work! Here you go with another one :)

Error while running event trainsaver::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaTrain API call when LuaTrain was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:754: in function 'cutscene_next_tick_function'
trainsaver/control.lua:727: in function <trainsaver/control.lua:726>

3 years ago

Oh no. Oops. Thanks for the report :p I’ll get that patched up shortly! Sorry about that

3 years ago

Alright, hopefully this should be fixed for version 0.0.14

3 years ago

Tried 0.0.14 . In this version mod do not crash anymore but in case where train in "curent cutcsene" departs on spaceship (changes surface) mod reset to 0,0 position and stuck in that state.
Is there any help I can provide ? How I can share map for test?
And a side question: is it technicaly possible in version 9.9.99 to have cutscenes for multiple surfaces ?

3 years ago

Hmm.. thanks for that feedback. This is really helpful because I never actually got very far in space exploration, and haven't had a good chance to test out all the odd stuff it does :p
If you can share your map that would be great!

But at least I think I know why it's going to 0,0 and how to solve it (I ran into that same issue while implementing the secret focus setting). I'll work on that this weekend :)

Unfortunately, it's impossible to have a cutscene on a different surface than the one the player is on. I think there might be some kind of tricky things I could do with teleporting the player back and forth, but honestly that's a bit out of my comfort zone and beyond the scope of this mod at the moment. Maybe for version 9.9.99 (lol), but I can't promise anything in the near future :(

3 years ago


I implemented a fix to stop the camera from getting stuck at 0,0 when the target train departs on a spaceship. I wasn't able to get the camera to keep following the train, but it should at least go find a new train to follow. Let me know if it works or if there are any more issues :)

3 years ago

Checked version 0.0.15 and problem with zero position still exists.

3 years ago

Oh. Tested it further and now it stopts cutscene if train departed. If you watching it on different surface than player it resets to zero (like in prevoius post).

3 years ago

Oh nooo :( I’m sorry about all this.

If possible, could you provide me a save file to test with?

New response