
trainsaver is a dynamic screensaver that follows trains as they drive around

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i ✅ disable AFK timer when looking on map or editing blueprints

4 years ago


Would it be possible to disable the AFK timer when you are looking around on the map or editing blueprints. I've been working on blueprints and manually removing parts from them. Then after the set time ends trainsaver starts removing my progress and changes to the blueprint which is very annoying and time consuming.

I'm also playing space extension with a friend so we look a lot at each others bases on the map/satellite view which gets interrupted by the trainsaver.
I've got the time set low for entertainment purposes on twitch but I have to increase it now to make it not interfere.

Thank you in advance.

4 years ago

Hi, thanks for the message. That's a great idea. I will look into getting that implemented

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