Train construction site

A nice, automated way of creating trains

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Train schedule forgets destination after leaving train builder

3 years ago

I have reproduced a situation where the train schedule forgets destination after leaving train builder.
The train is left in Automatic but the destination depot play button turns from enabled to disabled (not unreachable) after the last carrage passes the train builder.

If I leave the train alone it will carry on with momentum and crash into other trains. To fix the issue I have to retarget the destination depot by pressing play.

Pic of my layout:

3 years ago

After a little more testing it also looks like sometimes the train goes into manual just after leaving.

3 years ago


Thank you for the announcement, could you send us the savefile and step by step what you did?

it would greatly help in finding out what is wrong/where the error is.

kind regards

3 years ago

Hi Voske,

Sorry for the late reply, didn't have a chance to upload anything during the week due to work.
Here is my last save:

I can reproduce the issue by removing all the trains in the depot and setting the depot to request more than one train.
The trains sometimes stack correctly or sometimes go into the bottom bay (not a depot) one after another and crash into each other.

Hope you can reproduce on your end.

3 years ago

I believe the issue is that the train is driving to the depot, and resetting the schedule before it arrives at the depot might have this behaviour, I will look into this

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