Train Signal Visualizer

by SWeini

Visualizes rail directions based on signals

2 years ago

g Laggy on my end

2 years ago

I love the concept and the functionality. But I could not stand to bear the 'pause' every time I either select or place any signal on a rail system. Does the mod display the arrows for the whole rail network at once? If so that's probably why. I'm sitting at 140 trains and 280 train stations and, sadly, won't be able to use the mod.

Although, if you are a beginner reading this, I strongly recommend the mod, since the signals learning curve is quite steep and you won't have a rail network that big.

2 years ago

I too have lag - not even 100 trains. It seems to be a function of how it was written. I love the concept.

2 years ago

I'm open for suggestions on how to improve performance. I wanted to start small and improve based on feedback.

I believe this mod is most helpful to beginner level players, and these don't tend to have huge bases. But you're right, the mod shouldn't slow down advanced players.

This is how it works right now: When enabled the arrows are calculated using ALL rails and drawn over ALL rails.
Why calculating all at once: Sometimes you need to look far ahead/behind the rail that is calculated.
Why drawing all at once: There is no way to react to cursor changes. All I could do is draw in the vicinity of the player character itself. This would not help when placing in map view.

Ideas I had:
Could add a custom tool which you could use to select the rails in question and the mod draws arrows only over these rails. The arrows could even disappear after some time automatically so you wouldn't need to clear them manually.

Use the character as center and draw arrows only in vicinity of player character. Max distance could be a mod setting.

Could add a custom shortcut to enable/disable the arrows so that the performance impact only happens when they are actually needed.

What's your preferred solution and why?

2 years ago

Good concept, laggy in practice. [Only when nearing mega-base]

I suggest limiting the rendering of visualizations to only within local area however. Early mega-base becomes nearly impossible to play well before I can reach 100 trains.
I consider the lack of rendering in the map view an acceptable drawback in the name of performance.

Appreciate the time you put into it though, good idea and very helpful for new players.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Good concept, laggy in practice. [Only when nearing mega-base]

I suggest limiting the rendering of visualizations to only within local area however. Early mega-base becomes nearly impossible to play well before I can reach 100 trains.
I consider the lack of rendering in the map view an acceptable drawback in the name of performance.

Appreciate the time you put into it though, good idea and very helpful for new players.

Preferred solution?

Mod setting configurable max distance, render in local area outside of map view.

woops double post, my bad, new around the forums

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