Train Scaling

Automate the construction and deconstruction of your trains! Configure a train currently scheduled for a station as a template for the station - the mod's special train construction station will automatically build (or destroy) copies of the template train on demand, or in response to circuit conditions.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Failed: Train doesn't match template.

4 years ago


I get this error whenever I try to scale. Any suggestions?
The savegame can be downloaded here:

4 years ago

I just got this also. Small train with just 1 engine and one fluid tank. It scaled my larger trains with no problem.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I saw this on the github page. I verified that the issue I was running into was with another mod the applies a color scale to a wagon. I was using and after I disabled the option to color the wagons everything worked fine. So, if you have a similar mod installed look at that first. Essentially if it doesn't have color options in vanilla it will not match the train.

4 years ago

New update might fix, let me know!

New response