Train Limit Linter

Displays info about train schedules and train limits. Allows the easy creation of new trains.

7 months ago
Trains Blueprints

g Compatability with Train Groups and Train Control Signals

1 year, 3 months ago

I saw you have work in progress update for the Train Fuel Station mod, any way you can also add compat for Train Control Signals and Train Groups?

The main incompatability with Train Control Signals is that when that mod disables depot or fuel depot, it does it by adding a green skip signal to the station name in the train so that the station names dont match. Your mod need only ignore that spesific green arrow symbol, so that the station names also match when skipped, and also the copier / creation / decontruct of trains should also not include that green arrow symbol.

This mod groups trains together so that when you edit the schedule of one train, all of them get updated. It just needs the group to be copied / updated correctly with the copier / creation / decontruct functionality of your mod.

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestions. I expect that compatibility with Train Control Signals will be accomplished by the same changes that are being made to make Train Fuel Station compatible.
It looks like Train Groups will take a little more doing, but I'll add a ticket for that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

1 year, 3 months ago

I've released 1.0.23, which adds support for Train Groups. Please let me know if you can think of any more ways that TLL could improve compatibility with it.

1 year, 3 months ago

I've released 1.0.25, which adds support for Train Control Signals. To use it in conjunction with Train Limit Linter, add the virtual signals which Train Control Signals adds to the excluded keyword list.

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