Train Limit Linter

Displays info about train schedules and train limits. Allows the easy creation of new trains.

7 months ago
Trains Blueprints

g Ignore Fuel Stop?

1 year, 3 months ago

I have the mod

I have a schedule Green Pickup -> Green Delivery.

However, when a train—especially when newly created—has a Fuel Stop (e.g. Green Pickup -> Fuel Stop -> Green Delivery), the linter does not pick this up and shows a +1 is needed on the original schedule.

Is there a way for exclude/hide to fix this or just ignore the fuel stop? I couldn't get it to go away.

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi, I don't think that that can be done with the mod as it exists currently. That would likely require me to add some compatibility for that mod where it doesn't consider the fuel train stops when calculating which trains share a schedule. I'll add a ticket for that to the Github and get to it soon.

Thanks for letting me know about the problem.

1 year, 3 months ago

I wouldn't worry about it, unless you could make it generic. That is, I don't get much value out of supporting that specific mod. I could see it useful for more complex schedules.

I just finished adding a feature to my mod that wasn't supported "as it exists currently" and I wouldn't wish that on anyone :P

1 year, 3 months ago

I think I’ve managed to talk myself into thinking this is a good opportunity for a refactor that’ll both allow this behavior and simplify how the excluded keywords are used. Don’t blame yourself if I fall on this sword!

1 year, 3 months ago

Okay, I take it back. Either I need to remove the Fuel Stop mod, or encourage you to refactor and implement this!

I had 6 iron plate train limits, and I built 6 iron plate trains. My train grid deadlocked because one of the trains couldn't go to the fuel station—and train limit linter didn't show it as an issue.

Once I fixed the fuel stop and got my trains fueled, I found it in the linter. (Obviously, without the linter I'd be pulling my hair out! Thank you so much!)

Also, I think you should rename this mod "Train Linter" 👍

1 year, 3 months ago

Makes sense, I first started working on it to help with evaluating the FTTL stuff but it’s grown beyond that a little with automatic train creation and deconstruction. I’ll think about renaming it, but I’m loathe to rename things, generally.

1 year, 3 months ago

I've released 1.0.24, which adds support for Fuel Train Stop. To use it, you should add the name(s) of your fuel train stops to the list of excluded keywords. This will now cause TLL to consider trains which visit the fuel train stops and trains which do not to be part of the same group.

1 year, 2 months ago

I have successfully tested the new version 👍

New response