Tile Painter

by AckEmma

A set of tools to help paint or ghost tiles. Select Entities or Draw Shapes that will be filled with your selected tile.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
8 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.2 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
431 users

Tile Painter

Want to make your base look pretty?

The mod adds a tool to select an area to fill with a tile blueprint or even select specific tiles to go under an entity.

Click the shortcut button or press Alt + P to get the Tile Painter.
Use Shift + Scroll to cycle between tools.



Configure the settings in the GUI window to select which tiles you want to place around specific entities.

Hold Left-click and Drag to select an entities to paint tiles according to your configuration.
Hold Shift + Left-click to remove the selected tiles from the entities.

Tiles can be set for under the entity, 1 tile away, or 2 tiles away.m

The Anything option will apply those settings to ALL entities that do not have a specific configuration.
In Blacklist mode, the settings will apply to all entities except those listed.

You can have up to 10 different presets and export / import settings across saves.

The above image shows an example of the Entity tool being used to paint rails with stone directly underneath and 1 tile away from the rails.
Hazard concrete is also placed 2 tile away from the rails and directly under ANY non-rail entity.

Selecting an intersection with this configuration will result in the following:

Use Ctrl + Shift + Scroll to cycle between presets.


Configure the settings in the GUI window to select which shape you want to place.

Each shape can only be made out of a single Tile.

The available shapes are:

  • Circle
  • Line
  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Pentagon
  • Hexagon
  • Heptagon
  • Octagon
  • Nonagon

Select the center of the shape with Right-click and an outer vertex with Left-click.
The points will snap to the center of the tile selected unless Shift is held.

The Angle and Radius (Distance from Center to Vertex) can be adjusted in the GUI.
The angle can also be represented in degrees or radians or as a compass bearing.

After setting the tile to "Stone Path" and pressing Confirm the above configuration will result in the following:

Shapes can either be filled or outlined.
Use Ctrl + Shift + Scroll to cycle between polygons.


  • Remove Shift + Scroll zoom keybinds in Controls settings to stop it interfering with tool cycling


  • Selecting a large area with the Entity tool can cause a noticeable lag spike, especially rails or any entities that don't have a simple square bounding box.
  • Confirming a large area with the Shape tool can cause a lag spike due to the large number of tiles that have to be scanned.
  • Adding or removing tiles in this way does NOT go in the tiles undo/redo stack.