They Are Biters

by pez4251

Mod makes biters spawn and attack in waves. The intent of this mod is to make the game a little more like 'They Are Billions'.

3 years ago


Planned improvements for 0.5.0 (Expected before Nov 6th)

  • Improved spawning
  • AI Improvement
  • Multiplayer support
  • Support for mods that add surfaces like 'Space Exploration'
  • (Potentially) Support for custom alien types.


* Multiplayer Support - (Not Currently Supported)
* Custom Alien Types Support - (Not Currently Supported)
* Custom Surface Support e.g. Space Exploration Mod - (Not Currently Supported)
* Factorissimo2 - (Supported)


  • 'Strength based on evolution' - Changes the wave strength to be based on the current evolution, instead of the number of days that have passed. (100% evolution will spawn your current max enemy count during invasions and half of that for normal waves)

  • 'Evolution strength multiplier' - Multiplies the number of enemies that come during waves when 'Strength based on evolution' is enabled

  • 'Invasions' This option enables invasions, these are stronger waves that come in intervals.

  • 'Days Between Invasions' This option specifies how many days are between invasions.

  • 'Spawn normal wave daily' This option enables normal, weaker waves of biters that come every night.

  • 'Invasion strength (Day * Value)' Is how many biters will spawn in invasions, and is based on the current day you're on. (Default is 15 * Day)

  • 'Normal wave strength (Day * Value)' Is how many biters will spawn in normal waves, and is based on the current day you're on. (Default is 4 * Day)

  • 'Days before first wave' This option gives you X amount of days before a normal wave or invasion can occur. (Default is 5)

  • 'Max enemies that can spawn' This option limits the number of enemies that can spawn. It's not recommended to go over roughly 5000, going over this will likely cause some hitching while spawning enemies. (I'll try to get this optimized for a later patch)

(Deprecated In 0.4.0) - 'Max amount of groups that can spawn' This option is the number of groups the enemies will spawn in, smaller amount = larger individual groups. (I wouldn't recommend going over 1000 enemies in a single group, or less. I noticed some pretty weird AI behavior around this point, I, unfortunately, can't do anything about this.)

  • 'Max amount of enemies per group' This option sets the max amount of enemies that can spawn in a group, for example, setting this to 200 with 1000 enemies spawning will create 5 separate groups.

  • 'Include Medium sized enemies' This option toggles medium type enemies in waves at medium evolutions

  • 'Include big sized enemies' This option toggles big type enemies in waves at high evolutions

  • 'Include behemoth sized enemies' This option toggles behemoth type enemies in the waves at very high evolutions

  • 'Include Spitters' This option toggle spitters in the waves.