The Badlands-Custom

by doopdon

Same as main Badlands mod, but with way more biters, and an even harder start.

3 years ago

g Can the settings be tweaked?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Is there some tweaks possible or can you see what you get before hand?

Asking that because I feel like I have set up my vanilla experience almost like your, I have reduced to the minimum ore frequency, size and Richness, have you done the same or even worse? Also I have upped the biters presence plus added more red sand prevalence ... So what your mod would do better than my settings? Just curious, this is in no way asked in an aggressive manner :-) Sell me your product :-)

3 years ago

First of all nothing is tweak-able that I know of, I tired to adjust the frequency of resources but it does not seem to have any affect. (it might but I struggled to understand how the base mod worked and never saw any affect) You can't see any resources on the map, because they are spawned in later programatically. the terrain generation produces 0 "natural" resources.

So why is this different than vanilla? I have also played with the resources all the way down. But they are still just too common. I don't have to go very far to find iron. I usually can use a conveyor belt, my factory is rarely "starved".

But with the base badlands mod, OH BOY, you wander the desert with your friends for hours looking for just one resource patch. Our factory nearly died because we completely ran out of coal, and had to deliver it by car for a while until we got the train line set up.

My current map has a stone quarry about 10000 blocks away maybe more, I had to fight through bitters and lay down power lines all to get just a smidge of stone (300k stone). I have a massive but very low volume two-way track system, because 2 one-way tracks are too expensive and difficult to build. Its a mess, but it's my mess. So if that sound fun go ahead and download the main badlands mod.

But the main problem with the badlands mod, is it also affected bitter generation, this meant that bitters would not occur "naturally" and were spawned in programmatically which resulted in like 5 bitters .... total.

So to sell you on this: This is like the world of mad-max where there are no resources mixed with starship troopers where there are like a billion bugs.

3 years ago

Ah I see, this is much more extreme than my setting it seems! Do I have what it takes? Do I want to know more? Enlist and join the Citizen Federation, now!

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