Tesla's Legacy (Electric Turrets)

by kafoaai

Tesla coil based military applications: 2 types of turrets, a tank and related technologies. All in one.

11 months ago

b [fixed (sort of)] way too many prototypes

1 year, 1 month ago

fifty thousand unique entity prototypes? This mod has single-handedly caused the rarely seen "Reached id limit for entity" error!
Surely there couldn't be that many things you'd need to track with this mod via entity prototypes?

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Well, ... 'it works on my machine' :D

But for real, I had no idea that there is a prototype limit in the game. It is somewhat of a surprise to me. A bad one. I guess I will have to visit the drawing board and see what I can salvage. By the way, it most probably did not caused the issue by itself, otherwise I would have encountered it already.

What do the mod track? -> Basically almost all effects that I use. chain lightning range, chance, probability, slowdown duration, chance, severity. I wanted most things to be script free. I guess I should have done some research beforehand. Live and learn.

EDIT: I just downloaded angels + bobs + k2 together with Tesla's Legacy. nothing happened. It started up as usual. Maybe the problem is on your end? Could you please tell what mods you are using so I can try to reproduce the error? Another probability is that you ran out of system level resource maybe? What kind of computer do you run on, what OS, how much memory?
The technique used in the mod is somewhat unorthodox, but I cant seem to reproduce the reported issue.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Actually ran into same issue, the relevant error is :
"2068.842 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Reached id limit for entity. The game can't contain more than 65535 instances of this prototype due to hardcoded limits of the engine. See the log file for more detail."

The log file actually list how many entities mods are using:
2068.207 Info PrototypeList.cpp:81: tesla_legacy: 55813

It's actually pretty hard to reach the limit, only Transport/Mining Drones and AAI vehicles are using large amount for me. Stuff like Angelbobs use less than ~600 combined.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Thank you for having a look at this mod! I am still unable to reproduce this error. I have downloaded most if not all AAi stuff an the transport and minig drones as well. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Perhaps one of you could provide a full log of the crash? This would also include your entire mod list. With some luck I could reproduce it locally.
The log file usually lives in C:\Users\<You>\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\factorio-current.log.

its content is similar to this:

2.019 Loading mod aai-vehicles-warden 0.5.3 (data.lua)
2.048 Loading mod aai-zones 0.6.4 (data.lua)
2.137 Loading mod angelsaddons-cab 0.2.8 (data.lua)
2.239 Loading mod angelsaddons-mobility 0.0.11 (data.lua)
2.315 Loading mod angelsaddons-storage 0.0.10 (data.lua)
2.423 Loading mod bobinserters 1.1.7 (data.lua)
2.476 Loading mod boblibrary 1.1.6 (data.lua)

1 year, 1 month ago

In the meantime I have re-evaluated my implementation and have found that is some cases I can reduce the number of prototypes. I have released a new version 1.0.1 where the overall number of prototypes are less than a sixth of the original numbers. it should load faster and maybe it wont cause ID problems either.

1 year, 1 month ago

Loads fine now and works ingame.

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