So is it intended to not be able to farm on this planet? Wondering as the pressure and no solar would prevent that, despite the gleba plants are on the planet without being able to grow unless I missed something.
@achman741 - I did some more digging into this (haha farming jokes) as I saw you updated your message. I tested planting fresh plants with the editor and also planting seeds - turns out Gleba plants still grow even though it's permanently midnight, so lets just say they... have adapted to the dark on Terra Palus. :D I will have to find out why that's happening, perhaps it's default behaviour elsewhere in the base game. Could you double check you see the same behaviour? I also double checked the parameters of TreePrototype and it only seems to havea 'growth speed' parameter, I couldn't see any mention of sun/light/pressure restrictions - only pressure restrictions on creating the artificial soil; so I also bumped up the pressure on Terra Palus to 2000 to help with creating artificial soil for your farming needs - this fix is in version 0.1.2. :)
Something in your script takes 60 ms to update every second. Makes the game unplayable.
@HonkTim - Thanks for letting me know! I looked into the control.lua and realised every 30 ticks I was calling two functions that trap the enemies in the inhibitor lamp range, and further testing found that seems to be causing the performance issue. I had it set so low during testing but I never noticed the little performance hiccups / jitters while playing because I wasn't wearing my glasses. Sorry - this should be fixed now as I made some logic changes and performance improves to the control.lua. This fix is in version 0.1.2. :)