
by badway

Adds bonuses to the character after learning technologies such as health, inventory size, crafting speed, movement speed, productivity mining, productivity of laboratories, increase the detection of resources by the player, the search range, the ability to select, throw, build, mine at a greater distance etc. It has flexible settings.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Can't find speed-module (it's speed-module-1)

4 years ago

Title says it all. I have another mod that may have renamed the initial modules to module-1 because it added module -0s, but I wanted to be sure with you

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Version: 0.0.9
Date: 20. 02. 2020.
- Fixed can't find speed-module (it's speed-module-1)
Should work...

If the fix did not help, then send me a list of your mods so that I can fix it. The list of mods is here
... \ Factorio\mods\mod-list.json the mod-list.json file can be opened with a notepad, copy everything by pressing Control + A (select all) and Control + C (copy) and pasted into this dialog by pressing Control + V.
You can print screen the list of mods, or send me mod-list.json via google drive, in any convenient way.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry, it was explicitly that mod. I had to disable the option for that mod because although it added tier-0 modules for cheap, they became ingredients in the "tier 1" modules... which one needs 80 of for a tier 3 module, skyrocketing the cost and annoyance of making modules. On migration, it did tell me it removed the "x-module-1" and I'm surprised the author of the mod went as far as to change the technology and research for them. To work around it, I added a few module = data.raw.module["thing"] or data.raw.module["thing-1"], which fixed it and prevented an error on migration, but it's not a big deal because I'll never be using that mod [option] again.

Edit: it was an option for a mod I do find fun on occasion (More Module Slots).

4 years ago

I’ll take a look at More Module Slots to satisfy my curiosity)).

New response