Tech Tree Trimmer

Adds necessary science pack technology connections and trims all unnecessary connections for a cleaner looking tech tree. Great for mods like MSP and Science Pack Galore, especially when combined with other mods.

7 months ago

i How to fix for 2.0

a month ago

Hi, I tried fixing this mod for 2.0...

I changed data-final-fixes.lua line 74 from:



elseif technology.unit then

and it seems to work fine for me. Specifically, technology.unit can now be nil if technology.research_trigger is set instead That's for things like having research unlock after the player places a certain number of buildings or after mining a certain number of resources. So I think it's okay to just ignore those for the purposes of the tree trimming.

a month ago

I haven't updated this mod to 2.0 because the game does the main part of the mod in vanilla now, which is to remove unnecessary prerequisite connections. I don't see a demand for updating it yet, as there haven't been any updated or new mods that add science packs that have problems with missing prerequisites. Ideally I wouldn't have to update this mod at all, and mods that add new science packs get it right the first time.

a month ago

Oh okay, I didn't know about the changes in 2.0 vanilla. I was using this because of which adds extra technologies that don't have prerequisites correctly added. But I can probably help them fix that mod to add the prerequisites correctly. That sounds like a better way to fix things.

a month ago

As another example, I found this mod useful with Pyanodons for streamlining the tech tree so that more advanced techs (e.g. oil-gathering, uranium-mining) have their connections pushed further down the tree where they "belong".

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