Ket's infinite technologies

Adds infinite technologies for all science packs (even modded) that do nothing, but may used for testing lab setup or some challenges.

26 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
2 years ago
Latest Version:
2.0.1 (26 days ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
543 users

Adds infinite technologies for all science packs (even modded) that do nothing, but may used for testing lab setup or some challenges.

Mod settings

Time in seconds per research unit - time in seconds that is spent on research of one unit.
Research packs amount per research unit - amount of research pack spent per research unit.
Enable technology that uses all research packs - adds technology that consumes all science packs (even modded).
Ignore research cost multiplier - ignore or not ignore research cost multiplier.
Research cost growth type - allows select type of cost growth for technologies.
Parameters A, B - parameters requires for setting growth functions.
Science pack filter - text field in which you can type internal names of science packs to apply filter selected by the following setting.
Filter type - whitelist or blacklist for science packs listed above.
You can also create an infinite technology that does not use science packs by selecting whitelist and leaving science packs filter empty.

growth settings

You can choose between two types of technology cost growth - linear or exponential.
linear growth is y = Ax + B
Exponential growth is y = A*B^(x-1)
Where A,B - configurable parameters, x - research level

Example growth configurations

If growth type: linear, A = 2500, B = 0 then first costs is {2500, 5000, 7500, 10000} like mining productivity
If growth type: exponential, A = 1000, B = 2 then first costs is {1000, 2000, 4000, 8000} like worker robot speed.
You can also sets constant value for technologies by selecting exponential growth, selecting the desired value for parameter A, and 0 or 1 for parameter B. For example growth type: exponential, A = 500, B = 1 then first costs is {500, 500, 500, 500}


This mod must be compatible with all mods that add research packs.

You can also leave your wishes and suggestions and I will try to do it.