Tech Tree Trimmer

Adds necessary science pack technology connections and trims all unnecessary connections for a cleaner looking tech tree. Great for mods like MSP and Science Pack Galore, especially when combined with other mods.

7 months ago

i ✅ Usage with Exotic Industries?

1 year, 9 months ago

Hello, just saw this mod.

Im wondering if this would cause some problems with how Exotic Industries manages the Age progression.
Basically every thech that counts towards progression is a prerequisite of a dummy tech of the next age (enable the dev mode and its suboptions in data.lua of EI). Maybe this would cause some problems, deadlocking players in EI.

1 year, 9 months ago

Are you using the prerequisites internally to determine the progress for each age? If so, this mod might have trimmed some of those connections away but it won't have removed all of them

1 year, 9 months ago

Are you using the prerequisites internally to determine the progress for each age? If so, this mod might have trimmed some of those connections away but it won't have removed all of them

Yes. As said you can test the dev mode of Ei and then look inot the ingame tech tree.

1 year, 9 months ago

I've just looked, and my mod removes quite a few connections to the dummy technologies. It won't deadlock any players, but it does mean that they might end up having to make more than the required percentage of technologies just to get to the technologies that are still left as prerequisites. The "easy" solution would be to add your dummy technologies' prerequisites in data-final-fixes and have a hidden optional dependency on my mod for load order, or I can look into creating a "blacklist" feature on my end.

1 year, 9 months ago

I think a blacklist on your part would be better/ easier todo.

1 year, 2 months ago

Just realized I never responded to this, but the blacklist was added in version 0.0.4

New response