Subspace Storage (Alpha)

Allows storing items and fluids in a limitless shared subspace via Clusterio.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.17 - 1.1


Version: 1.99.18
Date: 09. 02. 2023
    - Added Fluid Injectors can receive a circuit network signal of P = 1 to purge/void volumes lesser than 1.
    - Fixed 'Key "icon_size" not found on property tree at ..." error that occurs with some mod combinations.
Version: 1.99.15
Date: 16. 11. 2022
    - Fixed inventory combinator outputting virtual signals named the same as item or fluid signals.
Version: 1.99.12
Date: 09. 09. 2022
    - Added Chinese locale.
    - Added ability localize the UI of the mod.
    - Moved Max Electricity option to a map setting.
    - Moved Infinity Mode toggle to a map setting.
Version: 1.99.9
Date: 23. 07. 2022
    - Hidden fluids no longer show up in fluid extractor interface.
    - Tinted the inventory combinator to distinguish it from the constant combinator.
    - Removed Clusterio item group and moved the interactor recipies to be under the logistic-network recipies.
    - Recoloured interactors to match the Active Provider Chest and Requester Chest since their function is similar to those.
    - Fixed broken fluid extractor fluid icons when fluids used the icon property.
    - Fixed crash on large instance ids by clamping them to [-2^31, 2^31-1] in the inventory combinator.
    - Fixed being able to place eletricity interactors outside the restriction zone.
    - Fixed restricton zone not being displayed when holding a interactor ghost.
    - Fixed resources getting exported to the cluster when infinity mode is enabled.
    - Fixed placing interactor outside of restriction area breaking undo.
    - Fixed item extractor being able to request more items than can fit its storage, leaving the overflow in an infinite hidden buffer.
    - Fixed hidden buffer storing requested items that were not put into an extractor forever.
Version: 1.99.6
    - Adjusted collision box to allow walking between subspace interactors.
    - Added support for Factorio 1.1.
    - Item extractors have unlimited request slots in Factorio 1.1.
    - Fixed extractors and injectors randomly stop working when others are removes elsewhere.
    - Fixed interactors not accepting circuit wire connections.
    - Fixed inventory combinator breaking when more than 2^31-1 itemes were stored.
Version: 1.99.4
    - Fixed extractors failing to request items from master.
Version: 1.99.2
    - New placeholder artwork for the subspace interactors.
    - Restriction zone border is drawn when subspace interactors is the active cursor stack.
    - subspace item, fluid, and electricity interactors are now all 8x8 in size.
    - Moved injector and extractor range restriction config to Factorio's built-in mod settings.
    - Fixed item extractor showing out of logistics network icon.
    - Fixed fluid duplication in extractors.
    - Fixed reset iterating over every entity in the game.
    - Fixed crash on deconstruct planning fluid extractors in the editor.
Version: 1.99.1
    - Added back support for Factorio 0.18.
Version: 1.99.0
    - Renamed mod to Subspace Storage.
    - Ported to Clusterio 2.0.
    - Reverted back to supporting Factorio 0.17.
Version: 1.17.1
Date: 03. 10. 2020
    - Allow separate X and Y settings for PlaceableArea.
    - Fixed fluidtransmitters getting stuck when full.
Version: 1.17.0
Date: 01. 26. 2020
    - Now supported on 0.18.
    - Fixed fluid icons being the wrong sizes due to icon_size change.
Version: 1.16.0
Date: 08. 12. 2019
    - Added electricity signal for inventory combinator.
    - Removed the broken tx and rx combinators.
    - Removed bundled lua json lib and switched over to using the builtin json functions.
    - Added getWorldID remote interface.
    - Added on_world_id_changed custom events for other mods to listen to.
    - Added events remote interface returning a table of events this mod raises.