If you're like me, you sometimes have trains stuck in random places. Most of the times that's due to a traffic jam or backlog at a train station. Unfortunately they usually go unnoticed until you spot one by chance, or notice that your megabase has stopped producing.
This mod helps you by emitting a chat notification when a train appears stopped. See the gallery for an example.
How does this work?
The mod registers trains when they're waiting for a signal or lost their path. Those trains are then checked every 10 seconds (default setting) if they've been waiting for more than 2 minutes (default setting). If they reach or exceed 2 minutes you get a notification.
When a train is not waiting anymore, the mod deregisters them and won't check them anymore to keep your game performant.
I get too many notifications from train stackers!
You can disable the notifications per rail signal. Go to your stacker, and click on the rail signal that trains wait at. Tick off the checkbox, and new trains should not notify you anymore.
The rail signal settings are unfortunately not copied when using blueprints.
This mod should be very performant and scale into 1000s of trains. If you have a very large map where you think that this mod causes lag, please reach out to me and share your savegame.
You can also adjust the settings to run the checks less often.