Stringy Train Stops

Rename train stations and dispatch trains based on circuit signals

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Train limit

3 years ago

Hi here. (Factorio 1.1.25)

Founded bugs:

  1. Name changes drops Enable Train Limit check as well as stop color, each time.
  2. No way to set it automatically (Constant Combinator with "L" not set train limit, but stop starts infinity loop of renames)
  3. Station not keep color/train limit settings after copy-paste operation.

In my game, I have lot of outposts with one-for-all station, (Repair Pack and Artillery Shell). Based on demand, station change name to R to accept Repair Pack trains or to S, to accept Artillery Shell trains. But each time, name switching drops Enable Train Limit check and two trains stuck at station.

2 years ago

I have the same bug #1.
I really need the train limit to at least stay when renaming. Adding the functionality to also configure the limit and turning it on/off might be nice but not necessary for me at the moment.
My network relies heavily on the limit to work and without this feature I can't use stringy train stops :<
But apart from this bug it's a really cool mod :)

If I copy-paste manually then the stations get the train limit as it should, so I don't get bug #3

@Shirson I'm not sure what bug #2 is supposed to be. But I think you are telling the stringy train stop to rename the stop every tick. If so you can easily send a single tick of signals with Pushbutton mod to avoid that issue.

2 years ago

So I found out that the train limit is configurable with circuit signals already with vanilla mechanics. Those cuircuit signals settings are also removed however so can't be used either. And the circuit limit from vanilla requires a you to write the limit every tick so STS would have to ignore those signals when composing the string name.

2 years ago

I found a workaround for bug #3.
1. Send name to stringy train stop.
2. Paste a stringy train stop (without names saved in blueprint!) that has the train limits and configuration you want on top of the renamed stringy train stop.

Since I'm using Recursive blueprints and will probably know the exact location of any train stop I rename I can probably do step 2 automatically to any train stop I rename. A bit annoying but could be doable in my case. Without Recursive Blueprints and my advanced coordinate system circuits this isn't doable automatically so quite a high bar for just anyone to do though.

1 year, 7 months ago

I've fixed the bugs in this mod and updated some other things. It's called Stringy Train Stops Redux.

New response