Steam Trains deprecated

Steam Trains adds Fireless Steam Locomoties that are fueled by liquid steam instead of solid burnable fuels. Pipe in steam from burners or a nuclear reactor to power this locomotive.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g I have a Question Sensei! [fixed]

4 years ago

Hello i am using Krastorio 2 in the past and using one normal train to push the steam train to the station to make the pumps insert steam to the train, but this time dont work. only work whit steam barrels but stack to 10 barrels so the question is:

I am doing something wrong or is some conflict whit other mods?

Alien Biomes
Armourer Biters
Krastorio 2
Automatic Train Painter
Construction drones
Death Notice
Factorio Library
Fluid must Flow
Fluid Trains
steam Trains
stone water well

4 years ago

Sorry for the delay - i was on vacation.

Apparently a factorio update broke this mod (or rather the "fluidTrains" mod this mod uses.

See here for more information and updates about a fix:

4 years ago

Ok thanks.

New response