Splatter Guard

Stops you being splattered by trains

1 year, 4 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

i How to balance as a power armour item?

6 years ago

To make it worthwhile as an item in power armour it would need:
- balanced recipe
- graphics for item
- electric usage cost when activated?

5 years ago

Suggested Recipe:
1x Zeroxium Plate
10 Damagic Fluid
50x Low density structure
5x Blue Circuit
1x Red Wire
1x Green Wire
1x Arithmetic Combinator

The first two non-existing things are a reference to surviving the splattering, could be left out or made from simple things like fish, wood, coal and/or uranium-238. Oh and the Damagic Fluid is responsible for the purple cloud, logically.
The green and red wires are what hardware hackers often use to bypass signals from a chip to perform hack-ish things on the circuit. Well, this out-of-nowhere teleporting sure qualifies that reference :).

As graphics, I'd imagine actually using the graphics of the ingredients, to mesh together a new graphic incorporating the things in a backpack format. I didn't say I had a good imagination...

Electricity consumption.
1 way is to introduce chance-based activation, eating up more charge of lower batteries if not all.
From the available batteries it should eat up a single battery's charge and then calculate a percentage of reliability, to ensure the player isn't cheapskating his power armour setup with mk1 batteries when it's outplayed by other batteries.

A way to calculate chance:
To work with other mods the reliability should rely on dividing 100 by the highest Mk battery, so Mk.2 would have 100/1=100% chance and mk1 would have 100/2=50% chance.
Mk1 = 50% chance
Mk2 = 100% chance
In the event of modded Mk.5 battery being unlocked:
Mk1 = 20%
Mk 2 = 25%
Mk 3 = 33%
Mk 4 = 50%
Mk 5 = 100%

Or dump chancebased idea and make it perfect, but then eat up 1/5th of the mk5, and 100% of the mk1, (50% of mk2, 33% mk3, 25% mk4)
I like that idea too.